Student Checklist Student ChecklistStudent Number(Required)Name(Required) Given Name(s) Surname Item for discussion Description of the course (note all items may not be applicable to all courses) Ask student if they have been on the website or have read prospective student information Explain the course outline, cost and certificate gained on Completion Explain College timetable and duration of each course (including holiday policy) – public holidays Learning materials issued (library copies) – including losing College materials Explain student support services (Inc student services officers) Explain contact details must be updated with College within 7 days of changing them Placement test for English Students must abide by College code of behaviour, misbehaviour can result in a cancellation and no refund will apply Intervention strategy (Stage 1& 2) Grievance & complaints and appeals procedure Evaluation (often given out to students – please complete them) Assessments - Assessment methods used at WIN Practical work Compliance observations Students invited to view all College policies and procedures documents in full and relevant government Acts held on site Library Medical/first aid officers and kit Emergency evacuation, Study in Australia website Excursions/field trips (exhibitions, public library, shopping centres, museums, art gallery) Student administration – any documents need 2 working days’ notice Equipment (audio, visual, teaching aids) Classrooms (and posters) Learning resources, books, equipment, etc. – policy on lost property – College is not responsible Appropriate attire (no dirty or overly revealing clothing) Outline facilities available to students:Participating in meetings for other students Contact number of staff (welfare officers – critical incident policy) Cancelling the course, requesting release – administration WHS, anti-discrimination, evacuation procedures Safety in Australia – role of police, safety on beaches, dialling 000 Shopping, banking, phone cards, public transport rules and polite behaviour in Australia Refund policy I have been informed that this Handbook is available to me on TRUSS/Student Portal as well as the WIN website. It is my responsibility to accept and understand the conditions in it. Tour of the College, all rooms, bathrooms including the code and where to put student belongings – DO NOT BRING ANYTHING VALUABLE TO COLLEGE Select All 53817