Intensive English & Proficiency Test Preparation

CRICOS Course Code

52 weeks

Study Mode:
20 hour/week course
Course Description
While you are studying in Australia you may require an external English language proficiency test result for entry into undergraduate studies, professional registration, employment purposes or simply to gain an internationally recognised English qualification. To perform competently in an external test, you must have appropriate language proficiency as well as test-taking strategies and task experience. Being able to reflect on, and continue to develop, language and communicative competencies, contributes to success in tertiary studies, as well as in interpersonal and professional interactions.
This course will support you with the skills development needed to achieve the required proficiency in an external English language test. The focus is on developing accuracy and fluency of language, flexibility and extension of language, and on your ability to respond to a variety of topic and task types. This course provides you with test-taking strategies and the opportunity to apply skills and strategies to timed and controlled practice tasks. You will be required to reflect on feedback and implement approaches to promote your language learning, skills development and task fulfillment.
The aim of this course is to build on your English language proficiency and to provide you with test-taking strategies and experience in the various tasks and macro-skill components of an external English language proficiency test.
What will you learn in our Proficiency Test Preparation course?
At the end of this course you will be able to:
- Extract points of view, main ideas, or important details from written and auditory texts and graphic information
- Apply strategies and skills to language tasks in timed and controlled settings demonstrating accuracy and fluency
- Understand external test requirements, strategies and time management
- Interpret test questions
- Predict, skim and scan
- Read and listen for opinions, main ideas and details
- Read and listen to understand purpose, value, inference and organisation of texts
- Use vocabulary specific to typical test themes
- Build grammatical accuracy and extend vocabulary in a variety of general knowledge and academic topics
- Apply paragraph and essay structure, content and organisation
- Interpret and describe graphic information and processes
Entry Requirements
You must be at least 18 years old, have completed secondary school and have IELTS 5.0 or equivalent.
We have weekly intakes.
Further Studies
After you complete our Proficiency Test Preparation course you can enrol in our vocational programs at WIN College or our degree programs at Wentworth Institute of Higher Education.
You will receive a Progress Report and a Certificate of Completion at the conclusion of the course.